What NOT to Do After You’ve Been Injured on the Job

After you’ve suffered a work-related injury, there are a number of important steps you can and should take to protect your health, your rights, and your workers’ compensation claim (I discuss a number of those steps here.) For everything that you should do after a work injury, there are also a number of don’ts; things … Read more

“Return to Work” Lump Sum Settlements: What You Need to Know

Most indemnity benefits paid out under New Mexico’s Workers’ Compensation program are paid out over time. However, there are limited circumstances in which benefits can be paid in a lump sum, or all at once. One of those circumstances is what’s known as a “Return to Work” lump sum settlement. As the name implies, a … Read more

Pre-Existing Injuries and Workers’ Compensation

The longer we live and work, the more likely it is that our medical history contains injuries, illnesses, or impairments of varying degrees. Some conditions may fade away entirely never to trouble you again. Other conditions, however, may no longer be noticeable or impair you today, but may leave you more vulnerable to injury or … Read more